
Saturday 9 February 2008

Weekend Walk - Snowdrops

Every February we go to Cammo Country Park to see the snowdrops. They can be found throughout the park, but specially in the old walled garden (see photo). The weather today was bright and unseasonably warm and the birds were all singing. We saw lots of magpies, crows, great tits, blue tits (including two checking out a nestbox!), blackbirds and what was probably a buzzard. We heard a lot of robins too, singing their wistful winter song, ready to change to their breeding season song very soon I expect!


  1. snowdrops are out here, too... early, i must say. i admired them only yesterday. but i've never seen so many as can be seen in your photo

  2. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Yes, our cherry blossom is in full bloom out front and the magnolia is's crazy.

  3. Anonymous9:28 pm

    That buzzard is a powerful, compact looking hunter. I love the birds of prey, there is something otherwordly about all of them.

  4. Polona - yes they are a bit early...

    Jo - there are cherry trees round here that seem to have been blooming all year, very weird. At least snowdrops are supposed to flower in February (even if they are a bit early)

    Gingatao - I love birds of prey too, buzzards are wonderful.

  5. Anonymous4:45 pm

    I can see why you go there. We should be seeing a few early flowers by the middle of March here, and after this long spell of snowy weather we had had, they will be a welcome sight.

  6. Snow drops! My favorite and you have so many. It'll be awhile here in the northern reaches I guess.
    Thanks so much for sharing a bit of spring.
    have a great week


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