
Friday 21 December 2007

Poetry Speaks Expanded

I just received in the post my review copy of Poetry Speaks Expanded from Source Books. It's a huge book of poetry from some of the most well known poets of the 20th Century with three accompanying CDs. So I know what I'll be reading and listening to over the Christmas holiday! I'll post a review early in the New Year. Meanwhile, you can read my review of Source Book's Spoken Word Redux book and CD here.


  1. I have the first poetry speaks and, though not a fan of anthologies, I LOVE my copy. I've got all the poems in my iPod. of course Plath and O'Hara are my favorites. And I think Yeats must have been insane... :-)

  2. Enjoy! I have the first Poetry Speaks and I use it for personal use and with teaching.


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