
Saturday 22 December 2007

Customised Glamour for the Party Season

Christmas is the time for parties and dressing up. These gloves I had originally bought new (I buy my clothes second hand, apart from underwear, shoes and some hats and gloves) but I was getting a bit bored of them. So I cut the lace from the top of some old stockings and then sewed it into the top of the gloves - there's just the right amount of lace at the top of a stocking to form a nice border on a glove with enough left over to allow for hemming etc.

Thebracelet was £2.40 in a second hand shop and the ring was literally found in the street! Altogether an ideal touch of glamour for a festive evening out.


  1. Anonymous8:35 pm

    I very rarely see women wearing gloves here anymore (It is very hot weather at the moment) and that is sad. They give such an impression of elegance and grace and a gentleman can dream of the gentle touch of fine material,

  2. Very nice job. I love how you take everyday stuff & make it unique, using cast-off or second-hand pieces.

  3. woo hoo to the party girl!! wishing you a merry christmas Juliet!

  4. Anonymous6:18 pm

    Hi Juliet! Thanks for your comment on my site in response to this weeks Writer's Island prompt. I can't wait to see your poetic take on the same topic.

    Merry Christmas!


  5. Nice job on the gloves, very Audrey H.

  6. lovely, fancy fancy!!!


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