
Friday 24 August 2007

North Berwick

Another perfect late summer day so we went to North Berwick, just a short train ride out of Edinburgh. The photo shows the north beach, where we sat and watched terns (don't know which species, but probably common terns), red-breasted mergansers and an oystercatcher. The Bass Rock is to the south of the town, not on the photo, it's too far from shore to come out well with our camera. The Rock was totally white from all the gannets nesting on it. The air around the rock is alive with gannets too, flying and diving. It was warm, sunny and very windy:

sand blows
across the beach -
curlews call.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it could be around my area in the state of Washington. We even have a town named Curlew close by.


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