
Saturday 25 August 2007

Actions Speak Louder than Words

In my post about Ruth Padel at the Edinburgh Book Festival, I noted that Ruth Padel had said 'artists and writers can only be witnesses' in the face of environmental or political issues. Ascender Rises Above made a comment that we all have a duty to speak out. I agree entirely - we all should speak out about the issues that concern us, in blog posts, conversations with friends or however else. People who see themselves specifically as writers and artists have more options than other people, but we should all speak out. My concern with Ruth Padel's statement though was my feeling that words are not enough. Famous people who speak out on environmental issues have more credibility if they don't own private jets and several luxury homes. I think my recent poem about the environmental impact of mobile phones has more credibility because I don't own a mobile phone. Those of who write or speak about environmental issues need to take steps to reduce the environmental impact of our lives, because otherwise why should anyone take us seriously?


  1. Anonymous9:31 pm

    luxury mobile phones -

  2. Anonymous - you obviously aren't reading my blog, I'm not interested in buying mobile phones. Really.

  3. I think that part of the problem of taking individuals, no matter if they're famous/ artists or not, is that politically there is very little that individuals can achieve, and environmentally, everything we can do is conservationist and therefore, almost invisible. Not-buying, not-having, even recycling, are necessary, but they are invisible. We can't go out and plant a forest, unless we have the money to buy that land.

  4. HI Nia - you have a point but private jets are very visible and very anti-environmentalist. As are luxury houses, four wheel drives, limosines, fur coats etc

  5. Of course you're right. What I mean is that the invisibility of conservationist/ environmentalist efforts is off-putting, because there isn't normally a lot you can show (not-bought stuff?) The crafty bits of your blog are a good exception to the rule!


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