
Saturday 21 July 2007

Travel Journal

This collage put itself together out of a reused coporate folder (with the names of countries printed on it), a box of tea and photos from magazines. Then I realised I should have a travel journal for my holidays! So this will be the front cover. The journal will be made from thick recycled paper and held together with ribbon.


  1. I love the idea of finding a folder with writing already on it. Keep giving me ideas... I love them.

  2. Hi Crafty! What a cool travel journal -- I love it! I just got back last night from my travels to visit family and found your INCREDIBLE haiku collection and the wonderful Wisteria Journal waiting for me -- what a treat! Your haiku collection took me on a rich and beautiful journey of colorful images, summer smells, the sun's intense heat, exquisite nature scenes, and brilliant groupings of words and deep memories evoked. The one about the penguin especially moved me. You are the master of haiku!! Thank you so much -- your haiku touches my soul! And the Wisteria Journal is absolutely lovely -- what a perfect way to return home from a trip!

  3. Your travel journal is going to be such fun to watch grow and expand. I'm staying tuned.

  4. Clare - thanks so much - glad you liked your parcel so much!

    Inland empire girl - yes it was a prefect folder for this purpose - glad you like the idea!

    Annie - I hope it will be fun! Thanks!

  5. Hi Juliet--what a website. I look forward to more visits. I adore collaging, but haven't done it in several years--you've inspired me to get back to cutting and pasting. Boxes of tea-good idea Hey, you should check out Christine Peloquin--featured on my site. She makes art with tea towels ;-)

  6. Hi Andrea - thanks for visiting - glad you enjoyed! Art with tea towels - now there's a thing!


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