
Sunday 22 July 2007

Mail Art - Creative Envelope Re-use

For this month's GPP Street Team Crusade I'm sharing some ideas for creative envelope reuse rather than making anything that could qualify as Mail Art as such. The photos show envelopes that have been altered by having flaps repaired, old addresses covered up etc using cuttings from magazines etc. I often design my reused envelopes to match a homemade greetings card or homemade notepaper. If I'm sending someone a book through the post, the patterns or pictures on the envelope may well match the theme of the book.


  1. Anonymous7:38 pm

    juliet - what a great idea to "re-purpose" envelopes by repairing and embellishing. you've shared another form of mail art with the team, thanks! these beauties will bring joy on the from the outside and the inside. thanks for playing.

  2. Greetings! Love the way you are recycling envelopes, such a great idea.

  3. How clever! Love the way you re-use the envelopes, great decorating!

  4. You're a green one, Mrs. Wilson. Great recycle idea. My friends and family will think I'm so creative when they get my new and improved envelopes. Or cheap. I'll take that risk. They already think I'm crazy for cutting my own hair after I read your post about doing that. I think it looks good. The bald spots make my head feel fresh and supple when the wind blows. Thanks again.

  5. Hi Michelle - thanks for the crusade inspiration!

    Ingrid, dymphie - thanks.

    Writer on Board - you really do crack me up! Yes some people think recycled envelopes are cheap, hopefully though done creatively they notice the creative bit more. As for the hair, well.....

  6. Love working with envelopes myself. Nice work!

  7. Anonymous10:44 am

    I have been reusing envelopes for the last year and decorating them with stickers and other magazine images to disguise the markings...who knew I was hip?

  8. Anonymous2:29 am

    I love what you did with these envelopes. What a great concept!; re-purposing envies. I will have to keep this in mind the next time I need to send something or if I receive an envie, which can be re-used in an artful way.:D


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