
Monday 9 April 2007

Hermitage of Braid

Today we walked threough the Hermitage of Braid, an area of woodland running by a river in the south of Edinburgh. We found some new paths today, going through steeper parts of the woodland. We had a really good view of a green woodpecker working on its nest in a dead tree, we spent about five minutes watching, its rare to get such a good view of this species. We also saw several wrens, a tree creeper, chaffinches and a grey wagtail as well as lots of blue tits, great tits, jackdaws collecting nesting material, and woodpigeons.


  1. All beautiful birds. The most colorful bird in our area is the goldfinch and right now we have plenty of them. Maybe it's the 10#'s of thistle I put out weekly.

  2. Hi Pat, I love goldfinches and I know they love thistles, good idea to put some out for them!


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