
Tuesday 10 April 2007

haiku - Bridges

Over the Easter break, we've gone on several long walks (see most recent previous posts for details). While wandering round Dalkeith Country Park, we found:

dense woodland
heavy with birdsong -
grey arch soars above.

which fitted with today's theme over at One Deep Breath. Thinking of bridges, takes me back to the two years when I lived in Malawi. Between the village where I lived and the nearest town:

huge lorries cross
on the way to Mozambique -
old wooden bridge.

This was sometimes scary and it was quite a rickety bridge, but nothing like as scary as over in Northern Ireland:

Carrick-rede rope bridge -
a few bits of rope slung
between two high cliffs.


  1. Anonymous8:23 pm

    I've enjoyed catching up with your walking tour posts today. I'm glad you found such enjoyment in the woodlands.

    I also like when you mention Malawi, you have so many vivid memories.

  2. these are very nice, atmospheric...

  3. The haiku are wonderful. the bridge in N. Ireland is best viewed in pictures.

  4. Thanks for your comments - Pat is very right to say the Northern ireland bridge is best viewed in pictures, please follow the link in the name of the bridge to find a photo.

  5. I like the middle one especially.

    The third just seems to be a descriptive sentence while the other two evoke a mood.

  6. Your wonderful haikus place us in three very different worlds. Your woodland picture is very like one I took in Ohio, almost a twin in fact. Amazing.

  7. This was a lovely tour of bridges!

  8. Anonymous9:37 pm

    your second haiku reminded me so much of home - where I grew up. Nice.

  9. Anonymous10:29 pm

    A nice selection of bridge poems. I have been reading about your walking trips, sounds fun, and must have been beautiful.

  10. I loved your haikus especially the first one. The skies are filled with so much birdsong right now. That rope bridge looks scary.

  11. These ku are very nice, IMHO. Although for some reason blogger wouldn't show me the photo for the last one, the ku certainly stands alone and creates a scary scene.

  12. I love the first two.

    The link on the third doesn't seem to work! I've seen pictures of that rope bridge so can imagine it.

  13. Ha! Indeed the link to Carrick-rede didn't work but now I've fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out Gerald!

    Thanks for all your comments!

  14. Anonymous3:13 pm

    Yikes! scary & thrilling. The rope bridge, not your poem. That was just lovely. Nice work!

  15. Anonymous3:20 pm

    i enjoyed all of these; the rope bridge was very compelling. So few words and an image which grabs you! Or maybe you grab the rope...

  16. I enjoyed all 3 but I must admit the last one really captures the truth and fear in the pic your showed. I don't think I could braved that walk between those two ropes. Well done!

  17. All three beautiful and each with a different feel.

  18. Juliet,
    I liked the third the best as it incites my sense of daring, adventure.

  19. You've painted such lovely images with your haiku..thanks for the visualizations :-)

  20. The middle one is especially strong. I've never been there but you painted the scene. The contrasts of weight and fragility are excellent.

  21. I really like the line "heavy with birdsong." I can hear it now.

  22. Anonymous6:59 pm

    What a great post. I like how you didn't use the word "bridge" in the first one, but described it, instead. I also clicked the link for the rope bridge...I don't know if I'd walk on that one or not, definitely scary! Thank you for sharing such interesting places. I've only traveled outside the US to Canada, so I welcome all the interesting things I can learn of other places! Maybe someday I'll even see them in person.


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