
Sunday 22 April 2007

Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day (though there are also celebrations for an Earth Day in March). As far as I'm concerned, every day should be Earth Day. Wherever we live, whatever our politics, the earth is our home and we should live every day aware of both the beauty of nature and of how our lifestyle impacts on the world around us.

Find out more about Earth Day.


  1. I can't believe Earth Day passed me by and I didn't even notice. When I lived in Toronto about 18 years ago I remember going on Earth Day marches every year...

    Isn't it ironic that now, when we are more aware than ever before of the health of the planet, of the velocity of global warming; I can wander around a city like Brighton for the better part of a day, and not be reminded in any way of its significance.

    Thanks for reminding me. I'll do my very best to be entirely green today.

  2. rightly so! every day should be earth day, and unfortunately i am like wasp goddess in saying that i didn't know about earth day itself. ...i've noticed of late that big people in high places seem to be talking more about saving our planet, protecting the environment and our natural resources, but how much are they doing at a concrete level? yep, every day should be earth day from us little folk right up to the high places...

  3. Ditto!! It is about unlearning....

    Peace Giggles

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Anonymous4:29 am

    There were quite a few Earth Day celebrations and activities here in the Vancouver area -- mostly drop-in-the-buckets things like one day beach clean-ups and walk-to-school days earlier in the week, but I hope it at least gets people thinking and perhaps taking stock of their daily impact on the Earth....Back in the early 1990s there was a brief flurry of environmental consciousness raising like what seems to be happening right now, then things seemed to settle back pretty much to business-as-usual. I hope the concern about Global Warming will continue to gain momentum and not just fizzle out when the media loses interest.... Yes, to Earth Day every day!

  5. I really love your commitment to the earth. We are trying to live a greener lifestyle here in Marrakech. I know we have a long way to go. Thank you for reminding us.


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