
Saturday 21 April 2007

At the Edge of Space, photos by Dan Holdsworth

The Stills Gallery is a small art gallery in Edinburgh, specialising in photography exhibitions. The latest exhibition is Dan Holdsworth's At the Edge of Space which features large scale photos of:

* the European Space Agency's spaceport in Guiana (photos looking like stills from a Science Fiction film);

* the world's largest single-dish radio telescope in jungle in Puerto Rico (which offered a real contrast between hi-tech construction and nature and made me sad for the rainforest)

* stunning views of the Aurora Borealis taken from Iceland and the far north of Norway. In these photos, the small buildings, roads and artifical lights are entirely dwarfed by the vast landscapes and the dramatic natural light shows in endless skies.

The exhibition is on until Sunday 29 April (yes I was late finding it!).


  1. I went to visit the gallery. Thanks for posting the link. What a gorgeous picture.

  2. 22 de abril, día de la tierra. Quién no la respeta, no respeta la humanidad.
    22 of April, day of the land. Who does not respect it, does not respect the humanity.

    22 d'avril, jour de la terre. Qui ne la respecte pas, ne respecte pas l'humanité.
    22 نيسان يوم الارض. فمن لا يحترم ومن لا يحترم الانسانيه.
    22 von April, Tag des Landes. Wer es nicht respektiert, respektiert nicht die Menschlichkeit
    22日,一天的土地. 谁不尊重,不尊重人性. 4月の22、土地の日。
    4月の22、土地の日。 それを尊重しないかだれが、人間性を尊重しない。
    22 апреля - День земли. Кто не уважает его, не уважать человечество.
    22 de Abril, dia da terra, quem não a respeita, não respeita a humanidade
    22 της ημέραης Απριλίου, του εδάφους, που δεν το σέβονται, δεν σέβονται το Ανθρωπότητα
    David Santos

  3. Annie Elf, glad you enjoyed! David, yes it is earth day, thanks for the reminder!


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