
Wednesday 18 April 2007

Chin Up

Hiding in lofts with sandbags at the door
is a cowards game.

We will keep our gazes high,
carry on playing cards

While the waters rise
and forests drown.

Clouds on the horizon
look beautiful at sundown.

off topic for Poetry Thursday.
My thoughts on Guerrilla Poetry (this week's prompt) are over on Alter Ego.


  1. Anonymous4:14 pm

    It is the same here
    the good news is that I am starting to hear rumblings!

  2. Thanks for you work and have a good day.

  3. i can't quite tell why but i love this one!

  4. Anonymous7:27 pm

    You've captured the mentality perfectly for a short poem. Very nice.

  5. Chin up indeed!

    Am going to look for the Japanese book you recommended when I go to the library today...

    Thanks for visiting over at But Wait, There's More!"; I'm always happy to see you!

  6. Yes, very true indeed. I was disappointed with the mentality put forth yesterday about the kyoto agreement, the focus was totally about the cost and job losses and "yes lets do nothing". It angered me. Everyone pays the price eventually and perhaps more jobs will be created if different, greener industries and ideas were attempted.
    A stirring poem - well done.

  7. Sandy - I think you are right about the stirrings, let's hope they are enough...

    David, Polona, Brian - thanks

    Shelley - I always enjoy my visit, thanks and thanks for visiting back!

    Strauss - yes I'm disappointed too, sometimes I wonder what it will take - despite the stirrings that sandy mentions and that are definitely out there...

  8. I've seen them at sundown and, yes, they look beautiful. Nice.

  9. Although we probably differ on Kyoto, I think you've done a wonderful job of presenting your view in a poetic form. What if all differing views had to be written or spoken poetically. Giggle.

  10. This is beautiful! Your words are always so thought provoking, so haunting, so gorgeous!


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