
Sunday 4 March 2007

Lunar eclipse

Last night there was a lunar eclipse. Sadly we didn't see it as our flat only has windows facing in one direction and as the moon sailed out of sight, she was still white and bright. We'd been watching her all evening in fact, starting as we travelled down from Perth, through Fife, she was glowing yellow and shrouded in clouds rising later into a clear sky. There was a total lunar eclipse a few years ago that i was able to see, in fact watched it from beginning to end.
earth shadow bleeds red
across the white moon face -
sense of mystery.


  1. Anonymous8:16 pm

    I haven't been to your blog in awhile (have been trying to concentrate on finishing some writing before a looming deadline), so thought I'd stop by and say Hello. Lots of interesting morsels, and I appreciate the recommended books I'll have to check out....

  2. i watched the eclipse, too. unearthly experience, like your haiku says...

  3. Very lovely poem. It's hard to do justice to something like an eclipse, but your line "earth shadow bleeds red" certainly does it!

  4. Once the sun set here in Oklahoma, the lunar eclipse was quite beautiful.

  5. Got a lovely view of the eclipse this time round. Much cloud so not quite as spectacular as the one in 2001. Got pictures and links to others on my blog.

  6. Thanks for your comments.

    I saw your post, Gerald and followed a couple of the links.


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