
Tuesday 13 March 2007

haiku - stillness

a pied kingfisher
hovers above the still lake –
hazy blue mountains.

This haiku goes with my drawing posted recently here.

the sun slants
across the garden –
striped deckchair.

Stillness for One Deep Breath


  1. Anonymous2:37 pm

    Gosh Crafty, you are fast. ;)

    I love that painting btw, do you still paint? The first haiku is perfect.

    The second, instant calm, drink in hand.

  2. Lovely! Both delicate and sharp.

  3. both very good!

    the kingfisher haiku perfectly complements the painting.

  4. oh wow you are such an arist, I love both haiku. And your drawing was tops! Great job.

  5. I feel like experiencing both places.

  6. Thanks for the comments on both haiku and picture. Brian, no I don't really paint any more, I mostly do collage art when I do anything visual rather than with words. I've got another couple of old paintings to post though in the next couple of weeks.

  7. Anonymous3:49 pm

    love the second one. i can see the exact spot in the garden where that chair is sitting. nice artwork, too.

  8. I loved them both but the second one really took me to a place of stillness! I can just see that striped deckchair!

  9. Both of these invited me into my own stillness. Thanks! And your drawing for the first one is lovely.

  10. I love these. The second one made me smile, of course. I'm waiting for a summer day to bask in the sun. Like the mountain piece you created. Thanks!

  11. Juliet,
    I'm filled with a sense of patient waiting.rel

  12. I like both, but the second is my favorite. Oh, how I wish for spring plants in our garden about now...

  13. On the first, our minds must have been in the same place with lakes and birds.

  14. These are gorgeous! I am trying to learn more about haiku - perhaps I'll try it soon.

  15. Anonymous9:28 pm

    It must be so nice to do your own art work. That kingfisher is new to me, we have blue and green. My favorite is first.

  16. That first haiku goes so nicely with your beautiful artwork. The second was a very still moment. Lovely!

  17. The first haiku goes so well with your drawing. The second is a calm I could use today.

  18. The second one is particularly lovely. I could use some summer stillness. Firstly because the temperature has plunged here from summer to winter in the space of a couple of days, and secondly because I've got so busy in the last few weeks. Even though haiku are so short, they need time and space to do well.

  19. I love the second one, so much in so little. The parallel between the sun slants and the stripes is great.

  20. The second poem takes me right back to summer. It makes my lips curve into a smile and a sigh escape my mouth. Lovely.

  21. Wonderful haiku! They both bring such calm images to my mind. I especially like the picture of the striped deck chair.

  22. Anonymous3:25 pm

    I could see the "striped deckchair." It brought back warm memories of summers spent outside, watching my small children play, with a good book and a glass of iced tea next to me!

  23. I really like your painting and your haiku compliments it nicely.

    "Striped deckchair" says "vacation" to me. Well done.

  24. you made it easy to see the late afternoon sun slanting sideways & a striped deck chair welcoming someone at the end of a day...lovely vision

  25. Both your drawing and haiku are great!
    Thanks for sharing!

  26. I like custom essay with such haiku. Its will be perfect to buy college essays with some poem.


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