
Wednesday 14 February 2007

Think Before You Buy Flowers for Your Valentine

You could be helping to destroy the ecological balance and communities around what was once one of Kenya's most beautiful lakes:,,2012102,00.html

If you buy flowers, try to make sure they've been grown closer to home. For some ideas for fairtrade Valentines Gifts, please visit here.


  1. Thank you for the article, it's so disturbing how our selfish cravings and desires have led to such devastation.

    I love the idea of your blog, will definitely come back for more. Thank you for visiting mine :)

  2. Hi waspgoddess - disturbing indeed. I always hate reading things like this. Thanks for visiting, look forward to welcoming you back!

  3. Happy chocolate day, if you observe it. If you don't, drink up, anyway, for champagne is good for morale.

  4. ...true.. even thought i personally don't like valentines day (as we shouldn't make an extra effort to be especially nice and romantic just one day each year, but every day,) as far as floral gifts are concerned i usually prefer giving a plant, tree or potted flower which won't die off in a few days, but continue growing for time to come.

  5. Shadowsandclouds I agree entirely, I don't like to give or receive cut flowers and nor do we make a big thing of Valentines day. Its a nice excuse for a box of chocolates and a meal out though!

    Rethabile - thanks! There are so many chocolate days!

  6. Valentines Day has only recently become established in New Zealand (thanks to the efforts of the retailiers, of course), so it is mostly younger people who celebrate it. Of course, it's summer here so I think most of the flowers available are locally grown. After reading this article, I'm very glad of that.
    I hope if flowers continue to be grown in Kenya, there will be more farmers like the one who uses recycled rainwater.


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