
Monday 12 February 2007

Haiku - Shelter

dark sky glowers
over endless heather -
one white-washed cottage.
woven nest of sticks,
covered with lichen and moss -
four small eggs.
Shelter for One Deep Breath.


  1. love the "woven" nest

  2. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Nice! The image in the first haiku struck me as especially vivid.
    (Thanks for visiting my blog. By the way, I left a link to your snowdrop haiku in the comments of my first one, which I hope is okay.)

  3. Hi Star and jacquie - thanks for your comments - and the link jacqui, lovely, thanks!

  4. That first one is so strongly visual for me. Lovely.

  5. i love these... especially the woven nest of sticks.
    always enjoy your haikus:)

  6. ahh, they're great, i especially prefer the first - this morning i was having breakfast in a big wooly fisherman's jumper and thinking of being in brittany last summer, now i read your white-washed cottage haiku and i soooo want to be back there - encapsulates it all in those three lines! thanks! havea a good day

  7. Anonymous2:13 pm

    A cottage with heather! I am jealous. These are both nice.

  8. Really like both of these! Wonderful image you've painted with the first haiku, I can picture that little white cottage, heather and all in my mind. ~nicely done.

  9. Both are nice, but I love the idea of sticks sheltering the egss.

  10. The woven nest of sticks really did it for me... it's just so heartwarming...

  11. Beautiful word picture - four small eggs nestled in their shelter of woven sticks.

    Lovely, as always!

  12. how wonderful the fields of heather must be

  13. These are both lovely! Wish I could see those heather fields (other than in my mind's eye).

  14. You have imprinted lovely images in my head :)

  15. I can just see these haiku. BTW if I can get a photo of the towhees, I will upload them to my site.

  16. Anonymous12:44 pm

    such strong images! wonderful ku.

  17. I love poetry that evokes a sigh at how well the image comes through. Both of these did that for me. Very nice. Thanks.

  18. Anonymous10:22 am

    Yes, coziness is exactly the right word for what these haiku evoke. I love the lichen & moss imagery.

  19. Anonymous6:26 pm

    Splendid haiku! I smiled and kept smiling. Wonderful - thank you.

  20. Anonymous3:04 pm

    first one makes me think of a half-way rest stop on a long trip. for the second one, i like the contrast between old and new with the moss covered nest and the eggs.


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