
Sunday 11 February 2007

Decorated frame

I've finally got round to doing some more frames! I had bought several plain wooden frames and mirrors from a second hand shop, with the intention of decorating them, but have been slow to get round to it. (The labels on new Blogger that show Crafty Green Poet is more Green Poet than Crafty anything helped to motivate me here!). I've just glued patterns from a catalogue onto the plain wood, varnished it and and it looks quite nice. A pretty way to brighten up a plain frame!


  1. looks lovely!
    do you have a painting to fit into that frame?

  2. Hi Polona - thanks for your comment - no I don't have a painting for this frame as yet.... I'll need to work on that!

  3. Oh Love the frame great idea it will look great with some art work in there!!!! hope that will be the next post right!!!! hehehehe! Hugs Linda

  4. HI Linda, thanks for your comment - yes it does need some artwork - I'll need to do that soon!


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