
Sunday 18 February 2007

Journalling the Everyday! GPP Street Team

This month's Challenge on GPP Street Team is to make journal pages for the 'Everyday'. I'm made a small journal from a junk mail brochure - what can get more everyday than that! The front is covered with re-used wrapping paper and inside there are pages for various aspects of my 'everyday life', using photos and lettering from magazines, publicity materials along with my own drawings.

The topics here are technology (using mostly the page from the original publicity brochure and reflecting our recent frustrations with broadband technology!), our pet rabbit, green lifestyle (listing some of the ways we can green our lifestyle, plus a photo of a local bus), nature (with a drawing of the pied wagtail, one of my favourite urban birds and one I've seen increasingly frequently over the past few weeks),
poetry (with one of my own poems and an illustration) and Edinburgh, the city we live in. Over on my Alter Ego blog are the photos for the journal pages on love, cinema, languages and clubbing. Missing pages (ie I've not done them) are on work, clothes and reading).


  1. I love the way you cut letters from magazines and found a purpose for your junk mail. You've inspired me to revisit my recycle pile with a new eye.

  2. Anonymous1:32 am

    fun to see your journaling. thanks for the gpp link!

  3. Anonymous3:17 am

    These journal pages are great and I love your idea of using a mail brochure as a journal.

  4. Anonymous5:23 am

    You are so clever I adore your pages! Hmm perhaps I shall look at the mail in a new way.


  5. These are really attractive. I like your drawings especially.

  6. Anonymous6:19 pm

    I love the collages! Especially the "Anya" one, since that's what I named my daughter! :)

  7. Congratulations! Your recycled "About Me Journal" is very clever. Love all your entries :0)


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