
Saturday 17 February 2007

Cammo Country Park

Cammo Country Park is one of several 'country parks' in and around Edinburgh. It is a nice area of woodland and open grassland, with an interesting selection of birds. We try to visit it regularly, but always go sometime in late February for the snowdrops, that cover large areas of the park at this time of year:
walled garden
full of snowdrops -
winter sunshine.
The other joy of Cammo at this time of year is the birdsong that tumbles from every branch:
robin's wistful song
and great tit's stridents calls -
the end of winter.


  1. Lovely. I liked the way both haikus gently wake us to spring ... and a strong urge to visit Cammo!

    By the by, thank you for stopping by my spot and leaving behind your kind words for my PT post.

    Ever yours

  2. We're not seeing snowdrops here until at least next month. And it keeps on snowing.
    It is nice to know that spring is around the corner though.

  3. Anonymous2:05 pm

    Hello! I was in Edinburgh this past May. It was a lovely place. We stayed in the city center for several days but were not able to get to the surrounding parks. We hope to visit again and explore more.

    We are having our winter here- record low temps for the area and some frost. Nothing to the rest of the world, but for Florida, this is bad. It is all what you are used to. The birds outside the window are fighting the weather.

    on the branch wings wait
    gambling for sun and heat but
    wind forces swift flight

    Sid Simpson

  4. this is lovely! and cammo looks very inviting

  5. Cammo is certainly lovely, I recommend visiting it, if you're ever in Edinburgh! Thanks for your comments. Saral, we had snow recently here and its still very cold, but this time of February is usually when the snowdrops come up here.

  6. Sid,
    Thanks for sharing your haiku!

  7. Anonymous10:18 pm

    memories of cp in spring will stay with me forever


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