
Tuesday 27 February 2007

The Art of Haiku edited by Gerald England

This is a great little book, a must for anyone interested in reading and writing haiku and related forms of poetry such as tanka and senryu. It includes articles on different aspects of haiku – including the concept of sabi, the inexpressible element of the content of haiku. Also covered are the difficulties of translating Japanese language haiku into English and the differences in the form in the two languages. There are articles on tanka, haibun and scifaiku (science fiction haiku). In addition there is an excellent selection of haiku, tanka and haibun, to showcase some of the best examples of each form.

The book is available from and costs £5 in the UK. Overseas rates available. More information at:


  1. Anonymous2:44 pm

    thanks for the heads up!

  2. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Hi Crafty, very glad to find your site. I try and put up posts on haiku, tanka, etc., on my site as much as possible. Love to read them, write them. Do you have a personal favorite when it comes to haiku writers - American or the masters? K


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