
Sunday 22 October 2006

Pot Pourri Bags

These two bags contain purple and gold pot pourri I bought in a second hand shop (though judging on the potency of the perfume, it was very nearly new!). The purple bag originally held a mirror and I added a fancy button from my button box as the original button had fallen off. The golden bag is made from fabric from a top I altered a while back (I've used this fabric for other things posted earlier in this blog). The gold bag is fastened with a piece of gold ribbon that came from gift wrap I think and the two are slightly precariously held together with a thin gold string.


  1. Those are lovely. I really like the colors too. I love potpourri, may have to try and make my own one day.

  2. Thanks Sandy. Things like this are really easy to make - one of the advantages of reusing fabric from old clothes is that at least some of the seams are already sewn for you!


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