
Tuesday 12 September 2006


PARK(ing) is a wonderful concept - thought up in San Franciso, USA, it has already spread to Glasgow, Scotland! The idea is to claim a parking space in the city (remember to put money into the meter!!!) and to turn the space into a temporary park with turf, some plants and a couple of deckchairs. (Umbrellas might be useful too, if you're doing this in Scotland). The idea was thought up by the Rebar Group, environmental art activists in San Francisco. PARK(ing) aims to:
Call attention to the need for more urban parks and public spaces
Connect with ways to permanently reclaim streets for people
The next PARK(ing) day is 21 September, so get your parking space, stock up on large potted plants and hope for sunshine and friendly traffic wardens!


  1. Clever idea - but in Texas, I'm afraid I'd just get squashed! Although I guess if I paid the meter, what can they do, right?!

  2. Anonymous1:17 am

    I love this, and am wracking a way to do it in an area that has more cows than people. (by the county, of corse.) It'd have to be near the state house. Thanks for posting...

  3. Well twitches, certainly in Glasgow the trafficwardens have been fine about it when they know the meter has been paid. I guess it depends on your wardens..... Slynne - glad to see it inspires you.....


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