
Sunday 2 July 2006

In the Dark

a poem for Anya, our rabbit

She hides in dark places,
remembers what she needs to:
scents, the food stores,

tries to explore things
just out of reach,
steals electric wiring,

plays with boxes,
folds and refolds
a moth-eaten pillow-case.

When no-one’s watching
she dances


  1. In your hands, those words sing with the simplicity that G-d intended for life, yet, as He intended, they are overflowing with meaning and feeling. The ending is wonderful, only a true and gifted Poet can do that.

    Thanks for the visit. I plan to read more of your work, the pleasure is all mine.

  2. Thanks for visiting Jim and thanks for your kind comments!

  3. Another beauty, you have a way with words, and clearly a way with animals too!

  4. You remind me of a friend whose reverence for the natural world opens her eyes to the wonder and beauty of every living thing. She would love this wonderful poem as much as I do. God bless.


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