
Tuesday 4 July 2006

Haiku - Journey

This week's challenge on One Deep Breath is to write a haiku about journeys. This is mine, a little ahead of time in a sense:

swifts so soon arrived
leaving for abroad again
constantly flying


  1. Lovely - there are no swifts in New Zealand but I am reminded of the godwits which journey from Siberia and Alaska to New Zealand every year.

  2. Anonymous12:32 pm


  3. you've painted a lovely picture with your makes me with i could see them in reality :-)

  4. Wonderful word image! Truly lovely.

  5. saw the magazine blog the idea...

  6. Juliet. I am useless at haiku, so can't really comment on the form. But I like the structure of your poem very much: arrival, departure, and constant flight - as if there are no final arrivals and departures.

    That's how it makes me think anyway.

  7. Thanks for all your comments! Swifts are my favourite bird and one of my favourite topics to write poetry about! They never seem to stop flying - they even sleep on the wing!

  8. Juliet--thanks for your comments on Foothills Fancies, and the great tip about gull identification! I enjoyed the poetry magazine as well, and may be back to try my luck there sometime. I confess I borrowed the 'unhomed', will try to remember the proper author to credit.

  9. Thanks S.L. I'd be delighted if you were to submit some poems to Bolts of Silk (that goes for anyone else reading this too!). I hope you can fit some names to those gulls!

  10. Lovely image you have given. I need to go look up a Swift to get the complete picture. Thank you!

  11. Oh this is a great Haiku! My husband is always watching the Swifts when they arrive/leave through the Bois du Boulogne.

  12. HI there Tammy and paris Parfait - thanks for your comments. I think I'll find some info about swifts to post for those people who don't get the chance to see them, or who aren't birdwatchers. I write about them so often, it's only fair to let everyone know what I'm talking about!

  13. I loved the haiku too!

    A pity there are no Swifts in NZ, but plenty around Indian Head, 'k' Gari' (Fraser Island), a while back when I lived in Oz though! ;-)

    No swifts, but plenty of Swallows:

    clear sky
    three four five swallows
    spread out


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