
Friday 28 July 2006

An idea for old photos

I saw this idea at A Little Imagination and a Pile of Junk . This is my first attempt to do something similar. The photo is a view of the village where I lived in Malawi when I was over there teaching with Voluntary Service Overseas. The fabric is a remnant from one of my favourite Malawian fabrics, that I had made into a dress when I was over there and then there's a Malawian stamp. The background is scrap corrugated card. Hopefully I'll do more of these! it's a good way of using up extra copies of your favourite photos or those photos that don't quite work.


  1. Anonymous2:22 pm

    I think that is such a wonderful idea, to create something out of bits and pieces that are all related by place. For me that would simply enhance any memories of a place visited and fondly remembered...

  2. Anonymous2:34 pm

    I used to despise digital cameras because they took their magic away. Now that my digital camera is two years old, what I love the most about it is that the photographs don't take up any space. The collage is beautiful, but I'm so glad I can carry all my pictures with me at all times, if I so wished.

  3. Hi there and thanks for your comments. Bondbloke I agree its a great way to enhance memories. At the same time, Nia, I'm more and more fond of the digital camera. You don't need to print out photos that don't turn out and you don't end up with shoe boxes full of old photos (or pieces like this one!!!).

  4. Great idea. I'll have to dig out some of those old photos and art papers I've got tucked away for experimenting on a rainy day.


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