
Friday 23 June 2006

Snow by Maxence Fermine

I've just read this beautiful little book. Yuko is a poet who loves haiku and snow. His poetry is white and pure like the snow itself. He travels to find a master poet who can help him find some colour in his poetry. Along the way he falls in love and discovers a lot about how to write poetry. The story is clear and symmetrical, like a snowflake and full of wisdom. It's a short novel, told in simple language (just as well given that I read it in Italian! Though it was written originally in French). I'd say its essential reading for everyone who loves poetry (and snow!).


  1. Anonymous10:31 am

    interesting but odd, since Yuko is a female name. :)

  2. Well, yes, that's what I thought too Nia, but this Yuko is definitely male.....

  3. Hi Amy
    Sorry, I don't know whether there's an English translation....

  4. HI Amy - well done on finding it on Amazin! If you read it I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


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