Thursday, 16 January 2025

Comely Bank cemetery and National Galleries

 I took a short time out to wander round Edinburgh's Comely bank cemetery yesterday. The light was beautiful

and I was delighted to see my first snowdrops of the year - not yet in full bloom!

Today I went to the Women in Revolt exhibition at The Scottish National Galleries Modern 2 and took some photos to take advantage of the light

It's good to see that the gallery now has an allotment area in its grounds, though it's not clear who does the gardening here (are they growing vegetables for use in their cafes or are community groups doing the gardening?)

The is well worth seeing before it closes on 26 January (and in fact I'm going to see it again tomorrow!).  

I posted more photos of the Gallery building over on my Shapeshifting Green blog, you can see them here.


Sal said...

I always read your blog and think to myself, ‘ I wish I was nearer to be able to visit the places that you visit!’ The ‘ Women in Revolt’ exhibition looks fascinating.

I have a passion for allotments! I’ve never had an allotment but as a very young child I spent some time on my grandad’s allotment and loved it!

Lovely photos! 😁

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Looks beautiful but I'm guessing quite chilly!

Jeff said...

Off to learn more about this National Gallery, as I've been to the National art gallery in Scotland.

Lowcarb team member said...

Yes, the light in those first photographs is wonderful.

So good to see the snowdrops.

All the best Jan