
Monday 8 July 2024

Butterfly Survey at Lauriston Farm

 This summer, I'm continuing to regularly survey butterflies at Lauriston Farm, the site of Edinburgh's Agro-ecology project and this year also at Corstorphine Hill. 

Today I surveyed at Lauriston Farm, where the generally sunny weather ensured clear views all around, to the Firth of Forth, Cramond Island and the coast of Fife to the north 

Lauriston Castle to the south (behind the trees in the castle grounds in the photo below)

and the Muirhouse housing scheme to the west (one of the tower blocks is visible behind the trees in the photo below)

I didn't see many butterflies, unfortunately, which seems to be normal for this year. I did see several Ringlets, which didn't stop for their photos, this photo is from a previous sighting. 

If you're in the UK and love butterflies, please consider taking part in the Big Butterfly Count, which takes place from 12 July to 4 August. This UK-wide survey aims to help assess the health of our environment simply by counting the number and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) that we see.


A week on Wednesday, I'll be posting a more in depth post about the butterfly survey on my new Crafty Green Poet Substack blog (this Wednesday's post will be about the environmental implications of the recent UK General Election).

1 comment:

  1. There doesn't see to have been as many butterflies this year.
    It will be interesting to see the results from the Big Butterfly Count.
    Nice skies in your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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