
Wednesday 24 April 2024

A Funeral in Worsley

I've not been posting much recently as my Dad died, and we were down in Manchester for his funeral. It was a nice funeral and very well attended. It was nice to catch up with a few friends and family members and to walk round the area near where I grew up. We walked along the Bridgewater Canal from Monton (where we were staying in a small hotel opposite the famous Monton lighthouse, which is really a folly, see photo below)


 to Worsley Village

The Mock Tudor building in the photos is Worsley Packet House where passenger boats used to depart to Manchester. Also seen in the photo below, alongside the Alphabet Bridge - children were encouraged to recite their alphabet as they crossed this bridge to go to school.

Nearby is the Nail Maker's House, the oldest house in the village

Worsley Delph is the start of 46 miles of tunnels that lead to a network of underground coal mines. The sculpture in the photo below is a modern artistic reimagining of one of the original cranes that stood on the site. 

Worsley Green was once a hive of industry, but now looks like a traditional village green. It is surrounded by mock Tudor houses that were built for the workers. 


In the middle stands a monument that was originally part of a chimney stack from one of the original factories. 

We also walked around Worsley Woods.


  1. Oh, CGP, I am so very sorry to hear this news of your father's death and send many condolences. What a beautiful spot which all looks so green and peaceful these days.I love the idea behind the Alphabet Bridge. Sadly, I don't know the area on the west side of Manchester at all - though David and I both have family links with Derbyshire, to the SE. I shall be thinking of you over the coming days.

  2. Very sorry to read of your Dads passing, I send my condolences.

    The photographs you've shared here look very nice.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan


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