
Sunday 3 March 2024

Enjoying Our Local Parks

We spent time in a couple of local parks this weekend. On Friday lunchtime, we visited Harrison Park, which borders the Union Canal

The daffodils are out in full bloom

as are the crocuses

and this beautiful Blackthorn tree

From Harrison Park we popped into North Merchiston Cemetery, where the snowdrops are still in full bloom

and ladybirds are still hibernating on some of the gravestones - the larger ladybirds in the photo below are two different colour varieties of Harlequin Ladybirds while the smaller ones are Pine Ladybirds. 

Yesterday we visited Saughton Park which borders the Water of Leith


We saw plenty of birds in the park, including a Dipper

and a Song Thrush 

The miniature daffodils and crocuses were looking beautiful


  1. I love all the pretty spring flowers!
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  2. Such a wonderful time of year to be out and about in a local park.
    I did enjoy your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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