
Wednesday 3 January 2024

Kingfisher and other Birds along Water of Leith

 We had a lovely lunchtime walk along part of the Water of Leith today. The highlight was watching this Kingfisher as it spent several minutes fishing. Probably the best ever view I've had of a Kingfisher.

We didn't see any Grey Herons in the river, but a passer-by pointed out these three Grey Herons standing on top of the roof of a block of flats! 

We were keeping an eye out for Goosanders too and found this group sitting on an island along with Mallards

Also gathered in a group were these Collared Doves, part of a flock of about twenty! This is quite unusual to see, as in my experience Collared Doves tend to travel in pairs or singly rather than gathering in groups! 

Towards the end of our walk, we passed a block of flats with several bird feeders hanging at the balconies. The nearby trees were full of birds, including this Greenfinch.

for Nature Notes


  1. I enjoy watching kingfisher's fly over rivers when paddling, here in America.

  2. Happy New Year! I love the Kingfisher!
    Take care, have a wonderful day!


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