
Sunday 21 January 2024

Arthur's Seat

 Arthurs Seat is one of favourite places in Edinburgh for a walk. So that's where we went yesterday. The light was sometimes quite dramatic, particularly in this view looking towards Salisbury Crags. 

Although it was quite mild yesterday, the lochs were still partly frozen after a few days of sub zero temperatures.  Looking down on Duddingston Loch, we were struck by the reflections

while Dunsapie Loch was also partly frozen, with the Mute Swans finding themselves with much less water than they're used to having.

The stone walls alongside the path up Arthur's Seat are covered in a variety of mosses, which were looking beautiful in the lovely light. The photo below shows Grimmia pulvinata and Anomalous Bristle Moss and possibly some others. 


  1. Lovely photos! The moss is beautiful! I’m a huge lover of mosses (and also lichens! ) I find them fascinating!
    I once Youth hostelled in Scotland, when I was a student, and I loved every minute of it!

  2. Lovely photographs, I especially like the reflections.

    All the best Jan


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