
Friday 24 November 2023

Buy Nothing Day - it's free!

Today is Buy Nothing Day, which offers a chance to think about the impact our shopping habits have on the environment.

We are all consumers, and of course, we need to buy things such as food, clothes and books. However, we need to become more thoughtful consumers and to question the products we buy. Overconsumption already has negative effects on the environment, through for example destruction of forests and pollution.

Everyone can join in Buy Nothing Day, it's easy and it's free.

Recycling is great, but reducing how much you consume is better! If we all reduce the amount we consume, then we will change our attitude towards our throwaway culture. 

Disclaimer: I probably need to buy a pint of milk today, but otherwise I'm entirely on board with this.  

More Information on the Buy Nothing Day website.



  1. I agree and I certainly think that we need to become more thoughtful consumers!

    Much of the problem is that for many years, money has been very cheap. Thus people have adopted a certain mindset and a ‘spend,spend,spend’ attitude, without giving much thought to saving a little. Successive govts, too, have been guilty of this!

    Fast forward to present day and so many people, particularly young people, have little in savings. I know so many young people who have led ‘the life of Riley’, since the early/ mid 2000s. Holidays/ hen and stag dos abroad; constantly eating out, cocktails, the latest gadgets etc etc etc…you name it! Granted not all young people are like this but I know plenty who have huge credit card debts.It makes me shudder! And now, they can’t cope with making cutbacks.

    I think that the sort of campaign that you mention, should be promoted more than it is! It’s a brilliant idea. And this throwaway culture needs to be well and truly binned!

  2. We do need to give more thought to what we buy ...
    Many may have gone overboard on spending as so many talk about the 'Black Friday Deals' available.

    I've not spent anything today!

    All the best Jan


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