
Wednesday 20 September 2023

Butterflies at Edinburgh Agro-Ecology Project

 One of the things I've been doing this summer is making regular butterfly surveys at Edinburgh Agro-Ecology Project. This is a wonderful project in north Edinburgh that is rewilding some fields, planting an orchard and other trees and offering community growing opportunities for local people and groups. I still worry a little that the fields where waders used to overwinter may no longer be an ideal habitat for Curlews, Oystercatchers and similar declining species (though recent sightings of large flocks of Curlew in the area may prove my concerns to be wrong) but in general it's brilliant to see a project like this becoming established in Scotland's capital city. 

After two cold, rainy days, today was warm, sunny and dry, though there was a breeze (which picked up later) and the grass is still damp from all the rain. Still, almost perfect conditions for a butterfly survey. I saw good numbers of Speckled Wood Butterflies, a few Large and Small Whites and a couple of Red Admirals, including this one which seems a little the worse for wear but which was happy to pose for the camera. 

The area offers wonderful views over to -the Firth of Forth

including this view of Cramond Island
There are several magnificent old trees around the area


It would be wonderful to think that all the newly planted trees will one day be as impressive as these old ones! 

Autumn is definitely on the way

I saw a good variety of birds as well as butterflies, including this Stock Dove

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