
Wednesday 16 August 2023

Hydrangeas and Nasturtiums

 We spent some time with Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum yesterday and I got these photos in her garden. The Hydrangea is at its best at the moment:

Meanwhile the nasturtiums have taken over part of the raised bed!

All parts of the nasturtium plant are edible and can also be used in herbal medicine. You can find out more here. I need to start adding nasturtium flowers to my salads! 

The cooking apple tree was also looking great

but I'll say more about that in the next Tree Following update!


  1. I'd love to know whether those magnificent Nasturtiums get 'troubled' by caterpillars! Ours (left to their own deivices - no pesticide etc.) were fabulous in June, but they look well past their best now; I think wind and rain are the culprits as there are no mauled leaves and the only eggs I have seen have been ladybird ones on a nearby Phlox!

  2. I used to love nasturtiums when we gardened because they take so little care -- they actually did better with benign neglect. My kind of flower plus they are so bright and cheerful -- I love yellow flowers. Edible is a nice bonus.

  3. Hi Caroline, I don't think I've ever seen the nasturtiums here being troubled by caterpillars. No pesticides or herbicides in the garden and plenty of insects in general.

    Sallie, I think benign neglect is certainly helping these nasturtiums!


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