
Tuesday 25 July 2023

Comely Bank Cemetery

 I was able to have a wee wander round Comely Bank Cemetery first thing this morning. 

It's a cemetery that is still in regular use for burials, so is kept very neat and tidy. There are plenty of trees though and a wildflower patch

which is currently dominated by Greater Bindweed, which is very popular with various species of bees and hoverflies, though today I couldn't catch any insects on film 

The Lime (Linden) trees in the cemetery are still just in bloom

while the Black Poplar is busily shedding white fluff everywhere 

This white fluff is made up of the female catkins

The Black Poplar has lovely leaves

though many of the leaves on this tree seem to be infected with insects that have made galls and are eating the leaves

for Nature Notes.


  1. Beautiful greenery Juliet…. Michelle.

  2. A nice walk around the cemetery. It is filled with interesting greenery.

  3. I always think that cemeteries and churchyards are fascinating places for wildlife of all sorts; nature is allowed to get on with doing its own thing. My best moment in recent times is when, on Christmas Eve, I was looking around the cemetery where my mum,dad and grandparents are at rest and suddenly, a hare jumped up in front of me and scampered down the grassy path. I’ve never seen a hare, close up, like that! One of those ‘wow’ moments!


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