
Wednesday 14 June 2023

Wood of Cree

We just returned from a lovely few days in Dumfries and Galloway. One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the wonderful RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Reserve at Wood of Cree, which we have visited a couple of times in the past. This woodland is the largest ancient woodland in southern Scotland and is a haven for wildlife, as well as offering much needed shade on an overly hot day. 

The river was running low, which was particularly noticeable at the small waterfalls
Walking beyond the shady woodland, you come into an area of beautiful wooded pasture. 


The reserve is wonderful for wildlife. Here are some of the highlights: 

Nesting Common redstarts (these birds are not common at all these days, I've very rarely seen them and this was our best ever view!).

Female Azure Damselfly

Golden Ringed Dragonfly 

Large Red Damselfly 

Footballer Hoverfly, aka Sun Fly (Helophilus pendulus)

Chimney Sweeper Moth 

Red Legged Shieldbug (adult)

Red Legged Shieldbug (final instar nymph)


  1. It is indeed a lovely place, and lovely photos doing it justice. I think your shieldbugs are a mid and final instar, rather than final and adult. See link attached, it's a useful site with good photos of all the stages.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Your holiday sounded lovely! There are some wonderful RSPB reserves around the U.K., aren’t there? We spent a day at RSPB Arne, a few years ago, and we loved every minute. If you watch BBC Springwatch, that’s where they are at the moment..and it’s been delightful viewing. However, a woodland walk is ideal in this weather! It’s been very hot in South Devon!

  3. Hi Shona, thanks for that tip, i find the various instars of shieldbugs quite confusing!

    Thanks Sal, yes there are some wonderful reserves! I've never been to Arne, but it looks wonderful on Springwatch

  4. Oh Shona, you're actually Joanie! I was confused there for a minute. You've recommended that website before, I should use it more often.


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