
Tuesday 23 May 2023

Buttercups, Hawthorns and a New Tool Library for Edinburgh

 I did my regular litter picking and wildlife recording patrol in the Dells along the Water of Leith today. There was a lot of birdsong, it's particularly nice to hear Willow Warblers, which, years ago, when I started doing the patrols were never heard around here, now I'm hearing them every time I'm in the Dells, in two different places. Notable sightings included a group of five or six Long Tailed Tits, almost certainly a newly fledged family. Plus a Grey Heron and a Carrion Crow engaged in some sort of noisy squabble. 

The Hawthorn Trees are at their best at the moment, they look beautiful 

The marshy field is full of buttercups at the moment 

Later in the year, there will hopefully be good numbers of Lesser Spotted Orchids here. I fairly often see Roe Deer here too, one year a mother deer regularly left her fawn in the long grass in this field. 

Just further upstream from this field is Spylaw Park, where on Friday a new hub will open for Edinburgh Tool Library. They will be based in the (currently mostly unused) community shed in the park and will open on Fridays (for tool collection) and Mondays (for returning tools). You can find out more here

Meanwhile, at home, our cactus is starting to bloom


  1. Sounds like a lovely day with interesting of wildlife sightings and beautiful scenery. I particularly enjoy hearing about the Willow Warblers and the Hawthorn Trees, they look so pretty!

  2. white and yellow flowers look so beautiful....
    you are lucky to have cactus blooming.... pretty,


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