
Sunday 2 April 2023

Weekend Walks

We've been walking around some of our local greenspaces this weekend! 

First we walked around North Merchiston Cemetery.The pussy willow is looking beautiful at the moment, here are just a few photos:

The first Lesser Celandines are just coming in to bloom

and the Glory of the Snows is in full bloom

We also visited Saughton Park. The Water of Leith that runs through the park, is currently lined by lush growth of wild leeks (they look superficially similar to Ramsons (Wild Garlic) but have narrower leaves and come into bloom earlier, with flowers that look very different to the ramsons.)

Here's a close up of the wild leeks 


This Carrion Crow and Carrion Crow / Hooded Crow Hybrid (on the left) were busily searching the river for food. 

The trees alongside the river are beautifully reflected in the water 

and in the newly established wildlife pond

The daffodils are in full bloom

and we were happy to find a couple of flowers on the larch tree 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful walks, the nature photos and flowers are beautiful.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!


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