
Friday 21 April 2023

Late Afternoon in a Suburban Garden

Late yesterday afternoon, we visited Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum and spent some time in her garden. For a relatively small garden it has a wealth of fruit trees and wildlife. It's looking beautiful at the moment, the rockery is particularly colourful with a variety of grape hyacinths and bluebells.

It's nice to see the occasional dandelion in there!

There are also violets

and Germander Speedwells

and Marsh Marigold by the big pond 

The first wild strawberry has come into flower (the fruit from these plants are delicious!)


The pear tree is wonderfully in full bloom at the moment 

The young plum tree is also in full bloom 

The cooking apple tree is in bud and it will be nice to see it come into flower over the next few weeks, but I'll post more about that in my Tree Following posts. 

There weren't a lot of insects around (this is something that I'm noticing everywhere at the moment, far fewer insects than I would hope to see). I did get a photo of this Eristalis sp hoverfly

and this very poor quality photo of a Dark Edged Bee Fly 



  1. What a beautiful garden, CGP. I think the north may be faring better than the east at present! I can't believe you have bluebells and kingcups ... though we have have seen about three bee-flies. We have had a bitter north-easterly more on than off ever since Storm Noa. I would agree with you over insects, though (thankfully) our dandelions are attracting a variety of bees. We were just saying how rare it is to see caterpillars these days ... The regular hedgehog is facing a lot of competition from visiting cats, but s/he brings massive bursts of joy on her evening visits. Two nights ago it coincided with loud shrieks from the Tawny.

    I have just signed up to #30DaysWild.

  2. Hi Caroline, Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum's garden is a wonderful place, it's very sheltered and full of wildlife. Bluebells here aren't quite yet in full bloom in the general countryside. I've seen more beeflies this year than i usually do. Very rarely see caterpillars, that's true, apart from cinnabar moth caterpillars when it comes to their season, last year they were in very good number! You're so lucky to have the hedgehog visit so often!


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