
Sunday 9 April 2023

Happy Easter from Corstorphine HIll

 We had a lovely Easter Saturday walk around Corstorphine Hill yesterday. The weather was beautiful. The trees are starting to come into leaf, but still look quite wintry.

Large parts of the hill are being taken over by Salmonberries, which are very pretty when in flower

but which are very invasive and can easily take over a whole hillside (the bright green leaves in the photo below are all salmonberries). Once the plant gets established, it can prevent other plants from growing.

It does look as though someone (probably the Friends of Corstorphine Hill) are removing a lot of the salmonberries.

Elsewhere on the hill, Lesser Celandines are coming into bloom

They are almost fully in bloom in sunny areas, while it will take a week or so before they'll be fully in bloom in more shaded areas. 

Many of the trees are budding, including this Horse Chestnut tree

So it definitely feels like Spring here!

Happy Easter! 


  1. Happy Easter! The trees here are just beginning to bud out and the wild cherries are currently in bloom (hopefully they survived the last two nights of below freezing weather).

  2. Belated Happy Easter wishes.
    Pleased you were able to get out and about in good weather.

    All the best Jan


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