
Sunday 5 February 2023

A Day in Dunbar

 Yesterday we took the train to Dunbar, a lovely little town on the East Lothian coast. The town is most famous as the birthplace of John Muir, the founder of the modern environmental movement. There is a statue to Muir in the town's High Street. 

Dunbar is also famous for its mythological Giant Cats, immortalised on Twitter. We didn't see any giant cats, though it's interesting to see the Lynxhead Furniture shop with its logo of a large cat's head. 

We did meet this lovely cat in the town and wondered how ordinary domestic cats interact with the giant cats. 

Though this cat certainly looks as though it can look after itself!

Dunbar sits on a beautiful area of coastline and we enjoyed a good walk. Here are some of the views. 

We saw a good selection of birds, including this kingfisher, which sat patiently for several minutes before flying off

Sadly, we found this dead cormorant, a victim no doubt of bird flu. 

According to government rules, you don't need to report finding just one dead bird, unless it's a bird of prey. To find out when you should report dead birds in the UK, please refer to this page. DO NOT TOUCH DEAD BIRDS.


  1. What a delightful spot!

  2. From your photographs it looks like a very pleasant day spent in Dunbar :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Next time I'm over there, I should check out Dunbar just to honor John Muir. I've hiked the "US" John Muir trail in California (from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite Valley)... I think the John Muir trail in Scotland might be easier but interesting in a different kind of way.

  4. We thoroughly enjoyed a day in and around Dunbar some years ago and spent quite some time in the John Muir museum. What a wonderful Kingfisher sighting and photograph ... but how sad to encounter more signs of Avian Flu.


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