
Sunday 11 December 2022

Weekend Walk

 It snowed in Edinburgh overnight on Friday, so yesterday we woke to a white world! We went for a local walk through the park and the cemeteries, which were looking beautiful in the snow. 

First we walked through Dalry - Gorgie Community Park 

where a snow person had been built in the children's play area

The first cemetery we walked through is Dalry Cemetery

which also has a snow person, this one a tiny one (possibly actually a snow bunny) sitting on a wall.

We then walked into North Merchiston Cemetery.

which has lovely views over to the nearby St Michael's Church.

Someone has also built a snow person in this cemetery

A flock of Redwings was flying around the cemetery while we were walking round, but only one posed for Crafty Green Boyfriend's camera.

The ladybirds were easier to photograph as they're hibernating and staying still! The photo below shows 2 spot ladybirds, a pine ladybird and a Harlequin.

In places, freshly fallen Sycamore leaves were lying in the snow, looking very pretty

I also took some photos of the cherry tree that I've been studying for Tree Following this year. You can see my latest Tree Following update here.


  1. Wonderful to see the snow...something we never have here

  2. Very nice snowy pictures ...

    All the best Jan


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