
Friday 9 December 2022

Edinburgh Community Bookshop

Edinburgh Community Bookshop recently opened in Leith. Unlike most charity bookshops, this one supports a different local charity every month. You can read about the selected charities here

Today I visited the shop for the first time since it opened (I have previously donated books) and browsed the impressive selection on the shelves. I also had a cup of green tea and a vegan chocolate biscuit! 

It's a lovely shop, a good addition to the selection of second hand bookshops in the city and probably the only one with a cafe! 

Currently, the shop is not accepting donations as it has been overwhelmed with donations so far! You can check out this page to find out when the shop might next be accepting donations!


  1. I like the idea of a used book store with a coffee shop!

  2. The new bookshop sounds great!
    Have a happy weekend.


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!