
Tuesday 15 November 2022

People's Walk for Wildlife

Note: Due to the impact of train strikes in the UK, the People's Walk for Wildlife has been postponed until Spring 2023. Read more here

Wildlife expert, TV presenter, author and activist Chris Packham, vice president of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, is organising the People’s Walk for Wildlife 2 to take place in London on Sunday 27th November.

The UK is facing a severe Attack on Nature. Our rivers are polluted with sewage, new oil and gas licenses are being issued, and nature-friendly farming schemes are under attack. Meanwhile, many species of animals and plants are undergoing drastic declines across the country.

The People’s Walk for Wildlife 2 will be a day for anyone who cares about wildlife in this country to gather together and to demonstrate to our elected representatives that we need action now for a more secure future for our wildlife, our planet and ourselves.

You can pledge to join the walk in London here.

If you aren't able to join the march in London, you can still make your voice heard! For example, you could create a poster with your message and then share it on social media on the day. You could write a blog post or a poem. You could write to your local politicians and talk to your friends and neighbours about the threats you see to nature.

Whether you show support in person or from your own home, you can play a crucial part in telling the UK Government it is time to act for nature.  

You can read more about the People's Walk for Nature on the RSPB website

It's not just the UK seeing an Attack on Nature. For example, read this article about the plight of bears in the forests of Poland.


  1. It is shameful what we aren't doing to nature.

  2. I shall do my own walk I think, not a very long one as I'm now trying to rehab my ankle!

  3. Many thanks for the various links.
    I think we will enjoy a local walk.

    All the best Jan


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