
Sunday 2 October 2022

A Walk Along the River Almond

 Yesterday the weather was very changeable, one minute bright sunshine, the next pouring rain. We took a walk along the River Almond, starting in the rain at Cramond 

The Mallards were sitting tight on the river 

as was this Mute Swans 

The sun came out before we left Cramond 

and we walked upriver. The river is very brown, but this here is nothing to really worry about, being mostly peat from the uplands which is carried downstream when there's heavy rain. 

Down in England these days, many rivers are brown due to illegal sewage discharges. If you are in the UK and are concerned about the threat to our natural environment posed by our current government under our new Prime Minister Liz Truss, then please consider taking part in this campaigning action on the RSPB website

While we were walking up the Almond, we saw this Grey Heron patiently fishing 

A Kingfisher flew upriver and a Grey Wagtail danced across the path ahead of us. Meanwhile, up above, a Buzzard was chased by a large flock of Carrion Crows

The early Autumn trees looked particularly beautiful in the sunlight 

Several fungi were out, including these Jelly Antlers 

While we were waiting at the bus stop to get back home, we noticed several craneflies, five (the females) that had tiny, almost non-existent wings and only one (the male) had full sized wings. I think they're Tipula pagana. The photo below shows a female


I'm delighted to have two senryu included in Issue 82 of Failed Haiku. You can read the whole issue here.

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