
Wednesday 31 August 2022

Water of Leith and a new Second Hand Bookshop for Edinburgh

With many second hand shops in Edinburgh currently unable to accept donations (due to a build up of stock in the immediate months after lockdown) it's nice to find a shop that is in desperate need of donations! The Edinburgh Community Bookshop will open in Great Junction Street in Leith in October, supporting a number of local charities through the sale of books. The shop is currently looking for donations of good quality books. So today we donated a couple of bags of books there! It's a big shop and looks like it will be a great addition to Edinburgh's range of bookshops. 

After leaving our books, we went for a nice walk along the Water of Leith from Leith to Canonmills. 


We were very happy to see this beautiful Red Admiral butterfly, which will go into hibernation soon

and this young Herring Gull 

There were several mallards around, but they proved quite tricky to capture on camera, due to the light

1 comment:

  1. The last photo looks like a painting. Bookshop and a walk - sounds like a great day to me.



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