
Friday 19 August 2022

North Merchiston Cemetery

 One of the advantages of the days when I work from home is that I can walk round our local cemeteries in my lunch hour! 

The cuckoo pint in North Merchiston Cemetery currently looks wonderful

The cherry tree that I'm following for Tree Following is looking great too

though I'll save most of the photos of that tree for my next Tree Following post! 

The cemetery is close to St Michael's Church, though not officially connected to the church. You can see the church spire in the photo below. You can also see how yellow a lot of the grass is, the recent rain hasn't been enough to green everything up, though some areas of grass do look green again. Some areas of grass in the cemetery are left long to benefit wildlife.

For Nature Notes.


  1. Nice to see areas that are more natural....Are you in a drought too like we are in New York state...Michelle

  2. Cemetery yards are often peaceful places to walk in and also admire the trees and flowers. It is interesting that a cherry tree is in this one.

  3. Hi Michelle, yes the cemetery department of the council is trying to manage cemeteries with a particular emphasis on wildlife, specially the older cemeteries

    Thanks Pat, yes cemeteries are often very peaceful. Several Edinburgh cemeteries contain fruit trees of various types.

  4. Michelle - and yes, we're in drought here too.


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