
Saturday 2 July 2022

Revisiting Corstorphine Hill Cemetery

 I'm continuing my work carrying out wildlife surveys in all the council managed cemeteries in Edinburgh. Currently, I'm carrying out further surveys on some of the cemeteries that are most valuable for wildlife. The other day I revisited Corstorphine Hill Cemetery. 

 This is a beautiful, tranquil cemetery with some lovely trees and a woodland burial area that has been planted with Silver Birch trees

Well, I said it's a tranquil cemetery, and normally it is. But when I visited the other day, the cemetery was full of Jackdaws feeding their newly fledged chicks! This was a noisy and very entertaining spectacle!   

There were a fair number of insects around, enjoying the sunshine, many of which were moving too quickly for good photos. But this Seven Spot Ladybird was resting 

and I love the colour co-ordination in the photo below, the orange, black and silver stripes of the Marmalade Hoverfly perfectly complements the colour of the Fox and Cub flowers. 


  1. Poor old jackdaws - they do get a bad press don't they'

  2. Hi Weaver, all the crows tend to get a bad press, but they're very intelligent birds and very entertaining to watch! Very noisy though!

  3. I can imagine how noisy the Jackdaws were ...

    All the best Jan


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