
Sunday 31 July 2022

Cramond Brig to South Queensferry

Yesterday we decided to take the lovely long walk from Cramond Brig to South Queensferry, wandering through the Dalmeny Estate. The walk passes through farmland 



and along the shore of the Firth of Forth

 with views of Cramond Island 

and this lovely small stream

with its resident family of Mallard ducks 

It's a walk for a sunny day, as that brings out the butterflies, and we certainly weren't disappointed on that score yesterday! 

As soon as we started the walk, we saw this beautiful Peacock butterfly, along with several Small Whites on a Buddleia bush 

We also saw this Small Copper, one of my favourite butterflies, it's so small and vivid

and this Wall Butterfly, 

which has a particularly beautiful underwing, which I've never really had a chance to look at closely before


I've recorded these butterflies for Big Butterfly Count, which continues until 7 August. So, if you're in the UK, you still have time to join in!

We also saw a good variety of hoverflies, including this Pellucid Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens)

This Batman Hoverfly (Myathropa florea)

and this hoverfly (Leucozonia glaucia, which as far as I know doesn't have a common name) seen below with several Common Red Soldier Beetles

It's a lovely summer walk, but yesterday it felt almost like autumn at times, in many parts of the woodland so many leaves have fallen from the drought stressed trees

It's raining today, which should help, but we have had mostly a very dry summer so far and we definitely need more rain.

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